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I was born in Milan on Monday, the 12th of February 1973.

I spent my childhood between Liguria, where my grandparents lived, and Milano San Felice, a residential area situated near the airport of Linate resulting from a pioneering project designed by the architect Caccia Dominioni. Buried in greenery, the neighbourhood was served by plenty of primary and secondary schools, as well as a sports club where mothers met to play bridge and fathers to play tennis. My mother was a French teacher, and my father a manager at the cash and carry wholesaler, Metro SpA. I have a younger sister, Laura. In San Felice, I attended the science high school, Niccolo Machiavelli.


As a young boy, I felt an existentialist suffering dictated by an inability to identify with the values suggested by society and family life. I had countless fears and lots of unanswered questions: who am I, what am I doing here, where am I going? All this to say that the "existentialist" theme got me in its grip at an early age. I was hoping that, with the passage of time and the fulfilment of my obligations, this anxiety would disappear, or at least lessen. It did not.


I read Political Science at the University of Milan, where I graduated with a thesis on the Templars, although hazy are my memories of its lecture halls, where we smoked and discussed the problems of the world.

Meanwhile, my father had died of his own volition. He had fulfilled all his obligations - a family, a career, a reputation - and had ended his life in despair. Naturally, this further stimulated my need for alternative answers. For several years, I underwent therapy three times a week with Prof. Antonio Marigliano, an orthodox Freudian psychoanalyst. My only memory of that long experience is my own voice. In short, my introspection did not seem destined for success, and my father's sorrowful end hovered over me like a mortgage on my future.


A benevolent force probably took my confusion for prayer, and in 1998-1999 I found the answers I was looking for in a man: Antonio Meneghetti.

Antonio Meneghetti was my master. I know the term may seem old-fashioned, and I will not try to explain it. It's a highly subjective experience that expresses itself through interaction. No theory can describe it. To simplify matters, I can say that, paraphrasing St. Augustine, the truth is in man and not in the message. And so it was for me. I flung myself into an inner search for the fifteen years of my training. These were intense years, during which I forged an original path for our times. I have lived in different parts of this beautiful world - Brazil, Russia, Asia - investigating the fundamentals of personality, and finding them inadequate to support the fulfilment of a happy life. Antonio Meneghetti's message may be found in all major initiation and metaphysical traditions (see René Guénon). Unfortunately, the decadence of our times has led the world to give priority to objects over subjects. In 2005, I took a specialisation course in Psychology at the State University of St. Petersburg, with a thesis on the case history of Dora (Freud), revisited based on the Meneghetti technique.


In 2007, I opened a workshop gallery in Milan, in Via Savona 45, where I developed an artistic style and a new method, both in terms of form and content. This year, I have opened a gallery in Lugano, in Via Nassa 52.

The clouds of my early years have finally cleared.

My philosophy is more concerned with man than with the outcome of his work. I believe that, in addition to an existential journey, human beings are called towards a metaphysical horizon. Countless men have sought it. The message is not new, but I think it requires new forms of communication. My life is a small attempt to help mark out this road.

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