Unfortunately, the decadence of our times has led the world to give priority to objects over subjects. And this, even though the greatest physicists of the 1900 - Niels Bohr and, above all, Werner Heisenberg and Wolfgang Pauli - demonstrated, with their quantum mechanics, that the attempt to objectify the world is a childish vision of life. Even reality is subjective.
Science and technology have allowed us to rule the forces of nature, but at the same time, they have depleted our interior world: outward progress, inner regression. Imagination, ever a source of great human endeavour, has been contracted out to computers. Today, a standard picture educates our imagination from the outside.
Images are a language. Every image or sign has an unconscious underlying meaning. Mathematics is also an image. In the case of elementary particles, differential equations allow us to predict the behaviour of matter. Atoms are not objects in the intuitive sense of our everyday experience. Our language and our perceptions are built on a concept of time and space that does not correspond to reality. A visual image always expresses more content than a linguistic symbol (even linguistic symbols are images).
In this regard, I believe that it is impossible to speak of informal art. Any form (image), even if not in line with our perception, implies a precise meaning. The fact that this meaning is difficult to decipher does not mean that it does not exist. Perhaps the deficiency lies in the key to interpretation.
My art – or rather, my images, as it has become difficult to clearly define what art is - represents an attempt to access and decipher those regions of reality that lie deeper, closer to that place where life is the form that structures energy. Direct access is not granted. Just as we need mathematics to investigate the forms of energy, we have to use other allegories or symbols (art) to investigate the forms of life of the subject (man).
"There exists a higher power that, uninfluenced by our desires, ultimately decides and determines our values. At the centre, so it seems to me, lie those regions of pure science, where there is no longer a question of practical application, but rather, if I may so express myself, where pure thoughts go in quest of the secret harmonies of the universe. This intimate withdrawal, in which science and art can hardly be distinguished, is, perhaps, the place where today’s man meets the truth, no longer veiled by ideologies and human desires. One can certainly argue that this region is precluded to the majority of men, and that therefore it may have little meaning to their way of thinking. But the majority of people have never, even in ancient times, had immediate access to that central region. Perhaps it is sufficient for them to know, today, that that door is not open to all, but that beyond it there is no deception; that right there, there is a higher power that decides for us in our stead. In the past, humans have spoken in various ways about this central region. We have used concepts such as "the senses", or "God". We have talked about it allegorically, harmoniously and figuratively. To this day, there are many roads leading to this centre, and science is only one of them. But perhaps, in our time, there is no generally adopted language that can be used to speak about this region to the masses and be understood; therefore, to many, it is no longer visible. But it exists, as in every age. The order of the universe can only come from it, and from the men who are allowed to glimpse at it." (Werner Heisenberg).
To me, an image is the road that leads to the rediscovery of reality.